
Welcome to my Kitchen!

I'm a retired chef and seasoned front-end engineer.

This is my personal site where I'll be dropping my latest recipes. As in coding and design recipes, or anything I'm working on.

A habitual signal seeker, trying to reduce the noise in my life. I do my best to put long term thinking into daily actions. Trying to get 1% better every day.

Time to get back to building.

Sun + Steak + Steel + Bitcoin

Sun, Steak, Steel, Bitcoin My Shopify Store

Open Source Recipes

Dollar to SATS Web Component

One Bitcoin is 100,000,000 Satoshis, or SATS.

0.00000001 BTC = 1 SAT

Fork It: Github or Replit

Sunlight Tracker Web Component

Get your local sunrise and sunset time. Both great times to be outside.

Fork It: Github or Replit

Dollars and Bitcoin Game

Dollars and Bitcoin Game

The first game I've ever built.

Fork It: Github or Replit

Hosted on Replit Play Now

Healthy weight and daily protein intake calculator

A great way to start getting healthier. Use this calculator to help identify your healthy weight range and suggested daily protein intake.

If you're an athlete or have high percentage of muscle mass this does not apply to you.

Fork It: Github or Replit

Bitcoin vs Gold vs S&P 500 Web Component

Fork It: Github or Replit